5 Strange UFO sightings from around the world: Do you Believe?

Five strange and unexplained UFO Sightings and more about the UFO phenomenon.

Dirk Vander Ploeg of the website UFO Digest submitted us this interesting info-graphic with some interesting facts about the UFO phenomenon.

The info-graphic includes the details about 5 UFO sightings from around the world.

Along with this, there is a section about Project Blue Book - which was the United States Air Force name for a project that investigated UFO reports between 1947 and 1969.

Note: Click on the info-graphic to enlarge and to zoom in.

Additional information and analysis on the remarkable 5 UFO sightings please visit the links below.

Case 1: McMinnville Incident

Case 2: Piney Woods Incident

Case 3: The Westall UFO

Case 4: Trans-En-Provence Incident

Case 5: Edwards Air Force Base Sighting (video)

Dirk Vander Ploeg, author of the above info-graphic, is the Managing Director of UFO Digest, a website which provides the latest UFO news and commentaries from contributors and columnists from around the world. Website UFO Digest: http://ufodigest.com/
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