A man who acquired super-human memory skills.

Yes its true ,There is a man who acquired super-human memory skills, after being hit in the head by a baseball.

An Incident happened in 1979 , when 10 year old Orlando Serrell was playing baseball like ordinary day,all of sudden he got hit by the ball on his head and fell down to the ground.
After getting up back , he came back to his home but did not tell that accident to his parents.
Since he never told his parents about it, so he never went to the doctor. He had headaches for a long time, but eventually they went away. Soon after, he realized that his head injury had given him an uncanny ability for calendrical calculations (calculations relating to calendar dates). He is known as an acquired savant, which is the term used for people who acquires knowledge skills through some kind of external force or trauma.

He can recall the weather and what he�s done every day since the accident. News crews became very interested in Serrell and in 2002 Dateline gave him a call. He was invited to the University of Columbia to undergo an MRI on his brain. Dateline taped the whole thing, and verified his exceptional abilities.

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