Three UFOs Crashed in Heilongjiang Province, China – May 17, 2014

Beijing, May 16, 2014. Three unidentified flying objects fall from heaven and plunged into the territory of Yian and Baiquan under the jurisdiction of Qiqihar City, Heilongjiang Province.

At 13.00 a reporter from Heilongjiang Yian Committee Propaganda Department confirmed that villagers heard a piercing sound and saw a big fireball through the sky before crashing to the ground.

The reporters Cong Cunmin and Chu Paishe from the news agency photographed one of the metal mysterious spherical objects.

One of the objects landed in a home garden, two other similar objects crashed in another county. According the latest updated news, it seems as two more similar objects have been found in the same area.

The entire area is locked down by military and authorities have ordered to carry out a full investigation. (Translated.)

Update: Video of the crashed objects.

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