Strange orange UFO in the sky over Lake Ontario - May 9, 2014

Montanus, who lives in Greece, was standing on a dock that juts out into the bay toward the northwest, and the objects were in that direction.

Image credit: Montanus photography.

He was shooting 15-second exposures, so his camera recorded images that weren't easily seen unaided and Montanus thus wasn't able to detect whether the objects were moving. But at least one of them showed up in different places in several different frames, suggesting movement.

He pulled magnified images from two different frames and superimposed them on one of the shots, and posted the image Thursday morning on Facebook and Twitter, where they are drawing drawing considerable attention.

UFO, Meteor, Flare?

Most people who have posted their thoughts about the images think they depict meteors.

Montanus, though, isn't convinced. "It didn't look like a meteor to me. How a meteor would show up on the camera would be like a stream of light.

These were weird, bizarre shapes. I said 'Look at it, it's got a parachute or something on it.' If anything looked like a UFO, it would be that."

Montanus does not think the objects were an artifact created by his camera or lengthy exposure, though he still researching that possibility. Read more

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