Near Death Experience: Scientists have discovered that awareness may continue after people have medically died

Death is a depressingly inevitable consequence of life, but now scientists believe they may have found some light at the end of the tunnel.

The largest ever medical study into near-death and out-of-body experiences has discovered that some awareness may continue even after the brain has shut down completely.

It is a controversial subject which has, until recently, been treated with widespread scepticism.

But scientists at the University of Southampton have spent four years examining more than 2,000 people who suffered cardiac arrests at 15 hospitals in the UK, US and Austria.

And they found that nearly 40 per cent of people who survived described some kind of ‘awareness’ during the time when they were clinically dead before their hearts were restarted.

Of 2060 cardiac arrest patients studied, 330 survived and 140 said they had experienced some kind of awareness while being resuscitated.

The researchers went out looking for examples and used a really large sample size, so this gives the work a lot of validity.

There is some very good evidence here that these experiences are actually happening after people have medically died. Read more

The following statements are from people who have experienced a NDE.

Case 3769: NDE 10/4/14. I remember being sure that I had in fact died in the emergency room, and to my amazement finding that there was life and consciousness even though I knew I was dead. When I did arrive to stand next to these two groups of people it was as if it took no real time at all to reach the people ahead of me even though it had felt like a giant struggle to do so. I can still here the sound of my voice as I asked them "who are you people?" It is a sound of disbelief that something I believed not possible turns out to be proof, positive true. I could make out very little of what they were saying, but one group seemed to trying to make the other group understand that "I was a traitor" while the other spokesperson for the opposing group asked for an exception.

Case 3766: NDE 9/27/14. Then I got the distinct feeling that I was going on a journey. My spirit felt exhilarated but I remember arguing in my mind, I can't do this because my sister is severely injured and needs me! The next thing I knew I felt so exuberant going through this high speed tunnel. It was like a swirling, dark vortex. But I felt blissed-out in it. The next thing I knew ,I was floating above my body in the emergency room. I remember seeing a clock on the wall and being slightly above it. I was puzzled and then I realized that I wasn't in my body anymore. I didn't know what to do then. I was felt confused but not panicked. Then as my dislocated shoulder was reduced, I heard my body screaming below. Next, I got sucked back in it through my chest.

Case 3763: NDE 9/27/14. My grandmother was in front of me smiling. Behind her, I could see lots and lots of people. They were not really people, but shapes of them in a cloudy grey color. I could feel them and the excitement and happiness coming from them. I could feel that I knew them and they were waiting for me. My grandmother was smiling as she said, "It is not your time yet, you have a few more things to achieve."

Case 3758: NDE 9/19/14. From New Zealand. To my surprise I was again watching the rain but it was hitting the ground in slow motion. There was plenty of time to watch each individual drop even though it was raining even harder now. Then everything went white like a bright mist. The mist cleared as I moved forward. There was no sensation of walking I just wanted to move forward and that’s where I went. As the mist cleared I looked down. There was a line or boundary that I knew I wasn’t to cross. Beyond the line there was a very large plain building with an opening like an arch at its base. People were coming through the mist and passing through the opening as if it was the normal thing to do. As I pondered this situation a women in her 50's came up behind me and put her hand on my shoulder, she said" you know you're not supposed to be here aye?" I got the impression she could tell I wasn't in a good state of mind and I knew I wasn't going to get any further than this. Just as I was turning back I woke up.

Case 3692: NDE 6/5/14. From the UK I was in the operating bed looking down at myself with lots of nurses and doctors around me. There was so much blood then was pulled upwards in the sky. My vision was blurry I saw the most amazing bright lights and colors. Then a large building. I was stopped was told it wasn't my time and to go back. Then I was rushed back next thing I woke up in the recovery room.

Case 3675: NDE 5/17/14. There was a Being standing next to me on my right. He was so radiating love and warmth coming from him. It was unlike the feeling of love here on Earth. It was similar to being in someone's arms you deeply love- feeling warm, protected, happy and then multiply that times 1,000. His love was radiating out and filling me with that same love.

The above stories are submitted to the Near Death Experience Research Foundation a website where people can share their NDE. (They fully protect the confidentially of the experience, if requested). The site contains countless NDE stories and additional information. The web site is a free public service. They do not allow proselytizing and they welcome and encourage all people of all backgrounds, nationalities, countries, and religions to read and participate on the website.
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