You May Never Drink Coke Again After Watching This Experiment

Within recent years, people have been pointing out the health concerns of taking soda, especially cola. Of great concern is how the drink wrecks the body and the high amounts taken by Americans today. The acid in coke is too much that it can be used for other purposes. This makes one question whether it?s safe for consumption. People use the drink to degrease engines, dissolve rust, clean toilets and remove paint.

This particular experiment done with the acid-ridden drink will shock you. It was done to find out what would happen if the coke is mixed with something that has the opposite of its acidic properties. Milk had this properties and therefore was the perfect choice. Using this step by step guide, they got a shocking reaction.

1. You will need coke and milk only for this experiment.
You May Never Drink Coke Again After Watching This Experiment

2. Pour a small amount of the milk into coke.
You May Never Drink Coke Again After Watching This Experiment

3. Allow the mixture to sit for 6 hours
You May Never Drink Coke Again After Watching This Experiment

4. The results after are shocking
You May Never Drink Coke Again After Watching This Experiment

5. Floating at the top of the bottle is an odd looking muck!
You May Never Drink Coke Again After Watching This Experiment

6. The bottom however is worse because the contents look like they are from a garbage disposal!
You May Never Drink Coke Again After Watching This Experiment
The experiment provides proof that this drink is not safe for human consumption. If this is the type of reaction gotten when it?s mixed with milk, what about inside our bodies where we can?t see the results visually?

This video is a demonstration of the experiment and the results gotten.